Emma Johansson / 27 Juni, 2010 - 17:17 / Allmänt

what the hell time has gone quickly today but it is because I have hire in bed long, how long did you hire in saying today? jaja but play the role, I have talked to Sara and it was so funny because we said so fun stuff, we laughed, of course, too. Maybe she will come and see me then, hope. I LOVE YOU SARA! We always have fun when we're talking on the phone. And we always laugh. And I've got a celebrity memoriam may not have spelled it right. But it'll probably be me and Mom play it and then it will be enough that I, Mom, Dad & Emil eat cake for our late mother bought the. FAN WHAT I LOVE cake with vanilla sauce. Keep me about it good? And if Sara will become so good that we play and laugh memoriam;) Unable to be with her now for her, Ante & Linda to cook. But I might be with her since. But the blogs more ago. Hugs, ;*

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